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LightningChartLib.WinForms.Charting.Views.ViewRound Namespace

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Public classAfterPropChangeEventArgsT Represents a class that provides arguments for the AfterPropChanged event for round view.
Public classBeforePanningRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePanning event for round view.
Public classBeforePropChangeEventArgsT Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePropChange event for round view.
Public classBeforeZoomingRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforeZooming event for round view.
Public classLegendBoxRound LegendBox for round views.
Public classPannedRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the Panned event for round view.
Public classSeriesTitleDeviceMovedEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleDeviceMoved event.
Public classViewRoundBase Base class for all round views. These are Smith -and Polar views.
Public classZoomedRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the Zoomed event for round view.
Public classZoomPanOptionsRound Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options for Smith -and Polar views
Public delegateLegendBoxRoundSeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOffEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event.
Public delegateLegendBoxRoundSeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOnEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event.
Public delegateViewRoundBaseBeforePanningEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforePanning event.
Public delegateViewRoundBaseBeforeZoomingEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforeZooming event.
Public delegateViewRoundBasePannedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Panned event.
Public delegateViewRoundBaseZoomedEventHandler The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Zoomed event.