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Version: 5.2.0


LightningChart JS can be installed from NPM (Node Package Manager) with the following command, as long as you have Node.js installed.

npm i @arction/lcjs

Afterwards, you can use LightningChart like any external Node dependency.

import { lightningChart } from "@arction/lcjs";

const lc = lightningChart({ license: 'my-license-key' })
const chart = lc.ChartXY();

Alternatively, if your application can't directly consume Node packages, you can use the IIFE distribution to use LightningChart JS in virtually any web application.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/lcjs.iife.js"></script>
// NOTE: For type information in JS applications, download lcjs.iife.d.ts to your codebase.
/// <reference path="lcjs.iife.d.ts" />
const { lightningChart } = lcjs;

const lc = lightningChart({ license: 'my-license-key' })
const chart = lc.ChartXY();

The IIFE build is publicly available via CDN services like jsdelivr, or it can be downloaded from NPM directly and saved as a local application asset.

Regardless whether you are just trying LightningChart out, making a proof of concept or developing a LC based product, you can get a license key here.