Area Bipolar JavaScript Chart - Editor

Also known as a Area Graph, Area Chart or Area Chart with Negative values

The example shows the basic usage of a bipolar area series. The area series is based on line series with the area between the baseline and the given data filled with color. It is drawn on a Cartesian coordinate system and represents the quantitative data.

Current example chart contains one bipolar area series. The data is drawn from both sides of the specified baseline.

The simple area chart can be created with few simple lines of code:

// Create a new ChartXY.
const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY()

// Add an area series with bipolar direction using default X and Y axes.
const areaBipolar = chart.addAreaSeries({
    baseline: 0,
    type: AreaSeriesTypes.Both,

The baseline value the type of number and the type can be specified only during the creation of a series instance, where

  • The baseline is a fixed reference level of minimum or starting point used for comparisons, which allow customizing the position of the area.

  • The type of area series is an enum selector which defines the type of area series:

    • Select AreaSeriesTypes.Both to show the data from both sides of the baseline.

The series accepts points in format { x: number, y: number }. Any number of points can be added with a single call.

// Single point.
series.add({ x: 50, y: 60 })

// Multiple points at once.
    { x: 55, y: 60 },
    { x: 60, y: 62 },
    { x: 65, y: 65 },